Women’s Fund
Changing Lives
Save the date: May 1st... |
...for our exciting annual Celebration of Grants.
Thanks to our generous 2018 members, we will be distributing $585,000 in grants this spring. That's an amazing $50,000 more than last year!
Grants will be presented at an afternoon reception at the Hilton Santa Barbara Beachfront Resort (formerly The Fess Parker) where Women’s Fund members, friends and guests will meet our new grantees and celebrate our 15th Anniversary of Changing Lives Together.

Mark your calendar now. Look for your email invitation on March 26.
The path to our May 1 Celebration of Grants has several steps
Step 1: January-December 31, 2018 - Women's Fund members joined or renewed, creating a pool of funds to be distributed this spring.
Step 2: July 2018-March 2019 - our volunteer Research Committee conducted rigorous research to create a ballot of deserving nonprofit candidates for our members to consider for 2018-19 Women's Fund grants.
Thank you to our early sponsors
Michael Bryant of Bryant & Sons is once again underwriting the printing of our annual brochure, and Women's Fund member Stina Hans has already donated six cases of wine for our reception. We are so grateful for their generosity!
If you are interested in underwriting or know of a possible corporate sponsor, please contact us: info@womensfundsb.org
One of the important principles of the Women’s Fund is minimizing our costs so we can donate maximum dollars into the community. Support from sponsors and underwriters, plus a modest $25 member attendance fee, help cover our event costs.
Invite a prospective member
Another Women’s Fund principle is that we don’t hold fundraising events. But this Celebration of Grants is both informative and inspiring. It is an excellent "friend-raising" opportunity to introduce the Women's Fund to potential new members.
So plan to bring a guest who can attend at no charge!