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The Women's Fund welcomes all women as members! To join as a Group Member please complete this form. If you are joining more than one group, please complete a separate form for each.

Women who join by December 31 are eligible to vote the following spring when we select our grantees.

Each group sets its own contribution levels, but $275 is the suggested minimum. Contribution is required annually to remain a member.

If you would like to join by transferring stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, please use the Women's Fund Securities Gift Form.

Group Membership *
Other amount
Total Amount
Membership Information
How would you like your name to appear in WF printed materials?
We would like to learn more about our membership, please assist us by providing the following information:
Do not include month and day
According to our Privacy Policy, information provided by members will remain confidential, but aggregated data may be used to provide statistical guidance.
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address
Matching Gift from Employer (if applicable)
Membership Groups
If you know the group you would like to join, please select it from the drop-down list.
If you don't have a group in mind, the Membership Committee can help you to find a group or help you form your own. Please note here.