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  • Cute Gap and Gown Alert: Graduation Day at CCP

    The Women’s Fund recently received this note from Teresa Alvarez, Executive Director of Carpinteria Children’s Project. CCP most recently received a grant in 2020-2021 to sustain their programs during the pandemic.

    “I couldn't be prouder of…

  • Successful Outcomes Achieved in Addressing Homelessness: Connecting with Compassion

    On December 7, Women’s Fund members and guests gathered at the Marjorie Luke Theatre for a Grants In Action forum to hear from leaders of three local nonprofit organizations that, combined, received $250,000 in 2022 Women’s Fund grants for projects that provide wrap-around services in rebuilding lives and securing housing for those experiencing homelessness.

    The featured…

  • Grant Helps Goleta Schools Build STEAM

    The success of a STEAM lab funded by a Women's Fund grant has inspired the Goleta Union School District to fund the expansion of the pilot program. This will multiply the power of our grant to serve 3,600 students beyond the 200 we originally impacted.

    In May 2020, the Women’s Fund granted $65,000 to the Goleta Education Foundation to fund a state-of-the-art STEAM (Science, Technology…

  • Making a Difference at the Dentist

    A trip to the dentist is generally not anyone’s favorite activity; however, imagine what it would be like if you were a person who used a wheelchair. Transferring to a dental chair is extremely difficult; sometimes even impossible. It is also physically challenging for a dentist to attempt to care for a patient in their wheelchair due to the fixed height and inability to adjust the for the…

  • A Life Changing Grant

    In 2009, the Women’s Fund helped plant a seed that has grown into a nationally recognized program.  A $150,000 Women’s Fund grant helped leverage local and state funds into today’s wildly successful Dos Pueblos Engineering Academy.

  • SEE Helps Preserve Sight

    “Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness for people over 60 years old. But blindness from glaucoma can often be prevented with early treatment,” according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

    That’s really important to Rocio, a local woman who had been working two jobs as a janitor and dishwasher. Unemployed because of the pandemic, she suffers from this disease and needed timely…

  • Why Coaching Matters - Meet Johnny

    When we hear the word “coach” we normally associate it with sports; however, the Women’s Fund supported coaching of a different kind with a 2017-18 grant of $65,000 to the Children’s Resource and Referral of Santa Barbara County.…

  • Isla Vista Youth Projects Continue to Serve

    When most of us hear Isla Vista, we think about UCSB students, their academic achievements, and their parties.  There is another less well-known population in Isla Vista, residents who are poor and underserved. Isla Vista Youth Projects (IVYP) was started to support those less visible families in Isla Vista who did not have access to social supports.

    Over the years,…

  • A Little Support Goes a Long Way at the Academy for Success

    A few years back, a student came to Dos Pueblos High School angry and ready to fight with anybody who crossed her path. She had lost her mother to drugs and her father had abandoned her, leaving her in the care of her grandmother. Rarely did she ever go to class.

    When the Academy for Success (previously known as The Academy at Dos Pueblos) stepped in, everything…

  • Mary's Story: a Story of Cooperation

    Mary is a 33-year-old mother and the victim of such serious beatings from her husband that she could barely eat, suffering pain and humiliation from her numerous broken and missing teeth. With the help of 2009 WF grantee Domestic Violence Solutions, Mary and her 12-year-old child are now safe and her ex-husband is incarcerated. 

    Thanks to the Santa Barbara…