This gift provided for three compact sedans to enable caseworkers and mental health professionals to deliver 24/7 emergency services for youth in immediate psychiatric crisis. It also supported wraparound services for families with youth at risk of being placed in foster care so that these youth coul remain at home and in their communities. Fifteen Casa Pacifica professionals use their own cars to drive to the South Coast families they serve-with only two agency vehicles available for their use. Since 2006, these professionals have responded to local youth in mental health emergencies (e.g., serious suicide threats, aggression towards family members), reducing use of emergency rooms, detention and hospitalization.
"Wraparound" is a proven program that provides comprehensive, individualized, family-centered services to children in jeopardy of out-of-home placement and their families. With a motto of "whatever it takes," these services are focused on keeping children and families together.